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bread crust artinya

contoh kalimat "bread crust"
  • If it wasn't for me, you'd be down on the island eating bread crusts with the other V-1s.
    Jika bukan karena aku, kau akan berada di pulau memakan pecahan roti bersama rakyat kecil.
  • The bread crust is cut away cleanly from the sandwich after the sandwich has been prepared but before serving.
    Kerak roti dipotong bersih dari roti lapis setelah roti lapis sudah disiapkan tapi sebelum disajikan ke meja makan.
  • The safest way is to clean the sheepskin using dried bread crusts. If pollution has appeared recently, then “rubbing” with bread will quickly cope with it. Bread can crumble, so stock up on several crusts for a replacement.
    Cara paling aman adalah membersihkan kulit domba menggunakan kulit roti kering. Jika polusi muncul baru-baru ini, maka "menggosok" dengan roti akan cepat mengatasinya. Roti bisa hancur, jadi siapkan beberapa kerak untuk pengganti.